Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Dawn Patrol

I was up quite early today - 4 AM - for my flight to Dallas. I enjoyed the ride in the back of a near empty airplane and actually got a lot of work done. My meetings with the FAA went off quite well, and my dinner meeting with colleagues was very informative.

I have plenty of work to do for next week's San Diego conference - I'll be speaking again, though to a much smaller crowd. I kind of enjoy public speaking... It's a real thrill to be in the spotlight once in a while - sometimes thrill isn't quite the word. Sheer terror might be a better description, but I still find it to be fun.

No caches to report today as it was drizzly in Dallas and I really didn't have enough time to venture out. There is a cache right in front of the hotel, but it's been DNF'd a bunch of times, including twice by me. Until the owner replaces it, I'm out of luck for something close by. I have wiped out all of the other caches within easy walking distance.


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